Sunday, September 12, 2010

Band of Holes


     The Band of holes are located in the Pisco Valley of Peru, near the Nazca Lines. They are a mile long stretch of holes varying in 6-7 feet in depth. Archaeologists have speculated that these holes were used for harvesting grain or shallow graves. There are two problems with this though, no remains or artifacts were ever found, and to use as grain storage would be counter productive because of the time and labor that would be placed on each hole. (

   So why are these holes just randomly placed here? Due to the uniform fashion of the holes many individuals speculate that they are remnants of ancient alien drilling. They assume this because the Nazca lines are located near the Band of Holes. The Nazca lines are pictures carved into the ground and are only visible from the air.
   Why would the ancient Peruvians carve these lines? What are the Banned of holes? Were they ancient drilling holes or signs for the sky? or were they really bad grain storage and just remnants of arts and crafts time?